The Next Day

I woke up. My head feels like someone had yanked it off, stuck two fingers up my nose, jammed their thumb in my mouth and hurled it like a bowling ball down an alley. Strike. What happened to me? Oh, Continue reading The Next Day
Because People Believe What They Want To
I woke up. My head feels like someone had yanked it off, stuck two fingers up my nose, jammed their thumb in my mouth and hurled it like a bowling ball down an alley. Strike. What happened to me? Oh, Continue reading The Next Day
It’s been reported that one of the last of the Ringling Brothers pachyderms will be taking up the rear at the Trump Inauguration. The elephant is expected to lumber down the parade route spraying protestors while defecating the streets of Continue reading Circus Elephant to Bring Up Rear of Trump Inauguration Parade
In a stunning campaign breach parts of the acceptance speech Donald Trump is scheduled to give at the Republican National Convention were leaked to the press. It includes phrases such as ‘listen, I was only kidding’ and “if elected I Continue reading Leaked Trump Acceptance Speech Includes ‘I Was Only Kidding’