White House To Hold Rose Garden ‘Yard Sale’

Preparing for what seems to be the inevitable change of administrations the White House is reportedly planning to hold a massive yard sale on the grounds of the Rose Garden sometime before the Christmas holidays. According to a source who Continue reading White House To Hold Rose Garden ‘Yard Sale’

White House Renovations To Include ‘People’s Lobby’ With Shops and Restaurants

According to a source, President elect Trump is making plans to turn the White House foyer into what he calls the ‘People’s Lobby’. The newly remodeled area will eventually be occupied by an assortment of upscale retail stores, restaurants, brokerage Continue reading White House Renovations To Include ‘People’s Lobby’ With Shops and Restaurants

Report: Sexless White House May Turn Trump Administration Impotent

A recent study warns that President Donald Trump’s apparent lack of marital relations with his current wife Melania, could result in even greater instability in the oval office. Those findings were reported by More On, a California think tank, and Continue reading Report: Sexless White House May Turn Trump Administration Impotent

‘Kool Aid’ To Be Official Beverage of White House. “Everyone’s Drinking It”

President Donald Trump’s long history of success with branding will reportedly soon be used to help endorse goods and services found at the White House. Speaking off the record an administration spokesperson said, “President Trump has found yet another way Continue reading ‘Kool Aid’ To Be Official Beverage of White House. “Everyone’s Drinking It”