Trump Seeks To Replace English Language With American Version

Donald Trump at Desk

In addition to renaming the Gulf of Mexico and buying Greenland, President Donald Trump is expected to sign an executive order to replace the familiar English language alphabet and grammar with an American version to reduce the United States’ dependence Continue reading Trump Seeks To Replace English Language With American Version

NRA: Large Crowds Of People To Blame For Mass Shootings

A senior executive at the National Rifle Association reportedly told board members that the organization needs to promote the idea that people who gather in large groups have to take some responsibility for mass shootings. The source, who attended the Continue reading NRA: Large Crowds Of People To Blame For Mass Shootings

Russian Premier Vladimir Putin To Host Saturday Night Live

Lorne Michaels, executive producer of the long-running NBC sketch comedy show Saturday Night Live, announced that Russian Premier Vladimir Putin will host the show later this season. Michaels acknowledged there may be some criticism for the choice of a repressive Continue reading Russian Premier Vladimir Putin To Host Saturday Night Live

Trump Claimed He Didn’t Realize Jan 6th Riot Was At U.S. Capitol

In their investigation of the January 6th  2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol the Select Committee is said to have interviewed a Trump advisor who testified that then President Donald Trump told him he didn’t realize the riots were occurring Continue reading Trump Claimed He Didn’t Realize Jan 6th Riot Was At U.S. Capitol

Four Way Stop Sign Wrecks Havoc At Trump Rally

Attendees at a Trump Rally were delayed for hours as a nearby intersection controlled by a four way stop led to confusion for those entering resulting in dozens of collisions, injuries and arrests. Local police were called multiple times to Continue reading Four Way Stop Sign Wrecks Havoc At Trump Rally

Report: “Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers” Original Story Centered On Hunt For Bin Laden

The recently released Disney film “Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers” about the pair’s search for a missing friend, was originally written as a fictional accounting of the hunt for Osama bin Laden after the attacks on September 11, 2001. According Continue reading Report: “Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers” Original Story Centered On Hunt For Bin Laden

Putin’s Rumored Impotence May Have Led To Ukraine Incursion

President Vladimir Putin’s recent decision to force himself on Ukraine may in part be due to a rumored case of impotence. Western intelligence officials have speculated that as a way to compensate for his debilitating condition Putin has thrust his Continue reading Putin’s Rumored Impotence May Have Led To Ukraine Incursion

Biden Plans To Order Flags At Half-Staff For Foreseeable Future

President Joe Biden reportedly plans on issuing an executive order to fly all American flags on federal property at half-staff every day.  The reason, said a White House source speaking off the record, is “because he feels if it’s not Continue reading Biden Plans To Order Flags At Half-Staff For Foreseeable Future