Report: ISIS Says Trump, GOP “Bigger Threat to America Than Us”

American intelligence sources, as well as a pack of cub scouts on a ham radio in Newfoundland, say they have intercepted communications between ISIS and other terrorist groups that looked favorably on decisions the Trump Administration has made. The communiques Continue reading Report: ISIS Says Trump, GOP “Bigger Threat to America Than Us”

Trump Fears “Border Conflict Between North And South Dakota”

Donald Trump has reportedly ordered the Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt and members of the National Guard to unify those states in America that claim the same name. He said “we have to settle any simmering differences starting with Continue reading Trump Fears “Border Conflict Between North And South Dakota”

Attendees At Trump Rallies Think ‘Roe vs. Wade’ Is Upcoming UFC Fight

In a series of surveys taken of those attending President Trump’s rallies some thirty-one percent thought “Roe versus Wade,” the Supreme Court decision upholding abortion rights, was actually an upcoming UFC fight while another nineteen-percent believed it was two of Continue reading Attendees At Trump Rallies Think ‘Roe vs. Wade’ Is Upcoming UFC Fight

Stephen Miller’s Vampirism Linked To Missing Border Children

A classified report from the Department of Homeland Security is said to implicate senior White House advisor Steven Miller’s recurrence of his life long struggle with vampirism in the disappearance of migrant children separated from their parents at the border. Continue reading Stephen Miller’s Vampirism Linked To Missing Border Children

Rise in Spontaneous Human Combustion Fueled by Trump Re-Election

An alarming increase in cases of spontaneous human combustion (SHC) among Americans is reportedly due in large part to anger from the re-election of Donald Trump and a Republican led Congress and Senate. That’s according to an explosive study by Continue reading Rise in Spontaneous Human Combustion Fueled by Trump Re-Election

White House Renovations To Include ‘People’s Lobby’ With Shops and Restaurants

According to a source, President elect Trump is making plans to turn the White House foyer into what he calls the ‘People’s Lobby’. The newly remodeled area will eventually be occupied by an assortment of upscale retail stores, restaurants, brokerage Continue reading White House Renovations To Include ‘People’s Lobby’ With Shops and Restaurants

Report: Sexless White House May Turn Trump Administration Impotent

A recent study warns that President Donald Trump’s apparent lack of marital relations with his current wife Melania, could result in even greater instability in the oval office. Those findings were reported by More On, a California think tank, and Continue reading Report: Sexless White House May Turn Trump Administration Impotent

‘Lemmings To The Sea Award’ for 2017 Bestowed to America in Only Third Week of Year

More On, a California think tank, has given the United States of America its 2017 “Lemmings To The Sea Award” in only the third week of the year. It’s the first time a country, rather than an institution or individual, Continue reading ‘Lemmings To The Sea Award’ for 2017 Bestowed to America in Only Third Week of Year