CDC: Covid Vax May Cure Baldness And Add Inches To Men’s ‘Reproductive Organ’

The Center For Disease Control is said to be preparing a national campaign that suggests taking any available Covid-19 vaccine could help cure male pattern baldness and add length to the male organ. The hope is that just the possibility Continue reading CDC: Covid Vax May Cure Baldness And Add Inches To Men’s ‘Reproductive Organ’

Neurologist: Members Of GOP Should Have Heads Examined

A leading authority of neurology believes some leaders of the Republican Party should have their heads examined for signs of cerebral damage, much like those performed post mortem on athletes suspected of having Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE), a disease that Continue reading Neurologist: Members Of GOP Should Have Heads Examined

Measure of ‘Lowest Common Denominator‘ Among Americans Near Zero

The benchmark for the so-called ‘lowest common denominator’ of Americans is now close to bottoming out. “Any lower and we’ll be flat lining,” says Owen Richards, head of statistical analysis at More On, a California think tank. The term represents Continue reading Measure of ‘Lowest Common Denominator‘ Among Americans Near Zero

White House To Hold Rose Garden ‘Yard Sale’

Preparing for what seems to be the inevitable change of administrations the White House is reportedly planning to hold a massive yard sale on the grounds of the Rose Garden sometime before the Christmas holidays. According to a source who Continue reading White House To Hold Rose Garden ‘Yard Sale’

Trump Claims He Owns Copy Of Bible ‘Signed By The Author’

President Donald Trump is said to claim he has an “original copy of the Bible signed by the author.”  The president reportedly told a small group of religious advisors and a visiting White House tour group that he obtained the Continue reading Trump Claims He Owns Copy Of Bible ‘Signed By The Author’

White House Press Secretaries Say Everything Lying Down

The philosopher Homer, Simpson that is, once said something like, “It takes two to lie…one to lie and one to listen.”  And no truer words better describe the relationship Donald Trump and the White House has with the American people.  Continue reading White House Press Secretaries Say Everything Lying Down

Thanks To Covid Seniors Expected To Outlive Juniors Born Years Later

The conclusion from a recent study points out that due to the spread of the Covid-19 virus among members of generations x, y and z, the nation’s senior citizens are now expected to outlive many of those who were born Continue reading Thanks To Covid Seniors Expected To Outlive Juniors Born Years Later