Fox News Said To Be Discussing Merger With Cartoon Network

Fox News and the Cartoon Network are reportedly in talks to merge into what would still be known as Fox News. “It‘s the perfect synergy between two leaders in their fields. This is an opportunity to cross over personalities from Continue reading Fox News Said To Be Discussing Merger With Cartoon Network

#MeToo Killing Entertainment Careers 2nd Only to Grim Reaper

As it kills careers in the entertainment industry second only to the grim reaper, the #metoo movement is expected to next set its sights on the target-rich music industry, specifically rap and hip hop artists. That’s the conclusion of an Continue reading #MeToo Killing Entertainment Careers 2nd Only to Grim Reaper

White House Renovations To Include ‘People’s Lobby’ With Shops and Restaurants

According to a source, President elect Trump is making plans to turn the White House foyer into what he calls the ‘People’s Lobby’. The newly remodeled area will eventually be occupied by an assortment of upscale retail stores, restaurants, brokerage Continue reading White House Renovations To Include ‘People’s Lobby’ With Shops and Restaurants

‘Kool Aid’ To Be Official Beverage of White House. “Everyone’s Drinking It”

President Donald Trump’s long history of success with branding will reportedly soon be used to help endorse goods and services found at the White House. Speaking off the record an administration spokesperson said, “President Trump has found yet another way Continue reading ‘Kool Aid’ To Be Official Beverage of White House. “Everyone’s Drinking It”

‘Lemmings To The Sea Award’ for 2017 Bestowed to America in Only Third Week of Year

More On, a California think tank, has given the United States of America its 2017 “Lemmings To The Sea Award” in only the third week of the year. It’s the first time a country, rather than an institution or individual, Continue reading ‘Lemmings To The Sea Award’ for 2017 Bestowed to America in Only Third Week of Year

Depends Adult Diapers To Underwrite ‘Oldchella’ Concert Series

Kimberly – Clark, parent company of Depends Adult Diapers  (D.A.D.), has announced it will be a major sponsor of the upcoming Desert Trip Concerts this November in Indio, CA.  The featured artists at the two weekend shows include the Rolling Continue reading Depends Adult Diapers To Underwrite ‘Oldchella’ Concert Series

Latest Rankings Show Third World Now in Fifth Place

A recent study by the World Economic Ranking Council has downgraded the so-called ‘Third World’ into fifth place. Although considered controversial  the Council’s conclusions are often used by international bankers, arms salesmen and party planners among others, According to the Continue reading Latest Rankings Show Third World Now in Fifth Place