Trump Re-Election Strategy Includes ‘The Virgin Mary’

An internal document from the Committee to Re-elect America’s President (CRAP) is said to reveal some of the techniques they plan to use during Donald Trump’s upcoming campaign. The still unpublished report is said to include methods entitled ‘Crazy Like Continue reading Trump Re-Election Strategy Includes ‘The Virgin Mary’

White House Looks To GOP Faithful To Fill Open Valet Position

With the recent positive test for the Covid-19 virus by a valet assigned to President Trump the White House is seeking to fill that position with a member personally selected by the president. A source within the Administration, who wished Continue reading White House Looks To GOP Faithful To Fill Open Valet Position

Trump To Sue U.S. Postal Service For Use Of His Likeness

President Donald Trump has reportedly asked Attorney General William Barr to put in motion a federal lawsuit targeting the United States Postal Service if it used his likeness without his expressed written or implied consent. The move comes after the Continue reading Trump To Sue U.S. Postal Service For Use Of His Likeness

Trump: Flu Is Nature’s Way To Control Cost Of Entitlements

President Donald Trump was said to tell Republican lawmakers that one of the upsides to the coronavirus was its deadly targeting of the nation’s senior citizens and at-risk population that could result in a “once in a generation savings to Continue reading Trump: Flu Is Nature’s Way To Control Cost Of Entitlements

Trump Reportedly Petitioned Vatican For Martyrdom Status

Former president Donald Trump is said to have secretly petitioned the Vatican to be added to a list of perspective martyrs. Trump, according to unnamed White House source, believed that “no one since Jesus Christ has someone faced as much Continue reading Trump Reportedly Petitioned Vatican For Martyrdom Status

Trump Brain Scan Said To Reveal Large Amounts Of “Styrofoam Like Filler”

An MRI is said to reveal that large portions of former president Donald Trump’s brain consisted of a useless ‘Styrofoam like’ substance rather than the essential white or grey matter needed to maintain a cognitive thought process. The source, a Continue reading Trump Brain Scan Said To Reveal Large Amounts Of “Styrofoam Like Filler”

Trump PAC Seeks To Push 2nd Amendment Into First Place

A political action committee (PAC) said to be aligned with President Donald Trump reportedly plans on putting a referendum on ballots throughout the country  that would give voters a voice in repositioning the order of the Constitutional amendments. The move Continue reading Trump PAC Seeks To Push 2nd Amendment Into First Place

Trump Believed International Space Station Was ’I.S.I.S. Threat’

President Donald Trump was said to have considered destroying the International Space Station when he confused its initials of I.S.S. with the Islamic State terrorist’s organization’s abbreviation I.S.I.S. According to an anonymous whistleblower, Trump became visibly upset after reading the Continue reading Trump Believed International Space Station Was ’I.S.I.S. Threat’

Hillary Emails Lay Out Why She Hung With Bill After Affair

A series of confidential emails discovered during an investigation of Hillary Clinton’s online accounts are said to contain correspondence revealing that the former first lady believed oral sex meant ‘talking dirty’ rather than an actual physical act. According to a Continue reading Hillary Emails Lay Out Why She Hung With Bill After Affair

Fox News Said To Join Trump In Re-Election Reality Show

Fox News is said to be in negotiations with President Donald Trump to co-produce a reality show tied to his re-election campaign. The program, tentatively titled “The Emissary”, will pit selected high end contributors to the Republican party and GOP Continue reading Fox News Said To Join Trump In Re-Election Reality Show